02 Jun

No matter how much we love our cats, we do not always manage to protect them from possible diseases. But if we are attentive to our pets, we will be able to notice the problem in time and start treatment on time. And if we consider the most common pathologies in cats, they will be related to the heart.

CMP - by this acronym, we mean hypertrophic cardiomyopathy in cats, caused by the myocardium, in which there is a thickening of the walls of the left ventricle. Following studies, when about 800 cats/cats are examined, 14.7% are diagnosed with the disease. Interestingly, males get the disease much more often than females. Animals older than 9 years are always more at risk, as well as purebred cats such as: American Shorthair, British, Scottish. Cats of this breed are inherently genetically affected by CCH, which should always be taken into account.

It is worth noting that heredity is far from congenital. Therefore, the disease develops gradually and manifests itself regardless of the age of the animal. At the same time, cats are always more prone to stressful situations, which can cause the manifestation of the disease.

What actually happens to the cat's heart in such diseases

So, there are 3 stages of the cardiac cycle:

  • Atrial systole;
  • Ventricular systole;
  • Diastole.

The term "systole" itself refers to the contraction of the heart muscles, while "diastole" is the process of their relaxation. During cystic fibrosis, the left ventricle thickens and the heart cannot fill with blood normally, resulting in intraventricular pressure. And if that were all, but no! If the pressure in the left ventricle rises, the pressure in the left atrium soon rises, and then the pulmonary veins connect as well. The result is congestive heart failure and pulmonary edema, as well as myocardial ischemia developing into fibrosis. In cats, there may also be clot formation.
SYMPTOMATIC PICTURE OF THE DISEASEUnfortunately, very often it is possible to diagnose the disease already when the cat has pulmonary edema, but what is worse, after the death of the animal. That's why CCHD is also called the "hidden killer". At the same time, shortness of breath (open mouth when breathing), lethargy, apathy, prevarication from physical activity - all these are the first signals of CMP.


Cardiography is the most effective method of research to confirm the diagnosis of cystic fibrosis. It will assess the condition of the walls, the cavity and only then draw conclusions about the possible disease. Radiography and ECG are used as additional examinations. If the diagnosis is confirmed, you do not need to panic, it is better to listen to the advice of a specialist and start treating your pet. The modern medical approach is able to give a positive effect, the main thing is to start therapy in time.


Treatment is prescribed by a cardiologist, who will prescribe drugs, based on the results of tests. Treating the pet yourself is categorically not allowed, because we can only harm the animal. Keep in mind also the fact that it is impossible to cure the pet completely, you can only maintain its normal, full vital condition by resorting to preventive measures. At the same time, the pet will need an ultrasound every year, sometimes even 2 times a year.
Be that as it may, but if you got a cat or a cat, know - you are responsible for them. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor the health of your pet with all seriousness and care.