02 Jun

We all know that the foundation for the teeth will be their root. And if the infection is already affecting it, then there is less and less chance of saving the tooth. Therefore, it is imperative that you monitor the condition of your pet's teeth so that you don't miss anything. The dental pulp consists of nerve bundles, blood and lymphatic vessels that carry necessary substances to the tooth. Endodontic treatment refers to the treatment of the root canal by removing the infected tissue. To fill the empty space, it is filled with a special filling material - a filling.

To use this method of treatment is necessary in the case of getting to the pulp infection that destroys it. As practice shows, this problem occurs when there is a trauma to the teeth in exactly the same way as in an open wound, bacteria gets in, causing an infection. The infection gradually penetrates into the root of the tooth, into the bone, and into the jaw itself. And it's good when the tooth itself falls out, but more often than not, the infection penetrates the tissues of the mouth, the jaw, spreading throughout the pet's body, becoming life-threatening. And more often than not, the pet is seen by a specialist when the only option is to have the tooth extracted.

Reasons for endodontic treatment:

Pulpitis - the color of the tooth takes on a red or lilac hue. It is very difficult not to notice it.Necrosis - the color of the tooth turns gray.Resorption - occurs in cats when there is disruption of tooth enamel, followed by involvement of the gum. Often you can see the pulp, if it is removed in time, the tooth can be saved. But if the stage of the disease is already at the stage when nothing can be prevented, the only way out is to have the tooth extracted.Look your pets in the mouth more often so you can see changes in their teeth in time. And if there is even the slightest indication that something is wrong with the tooth, it is better to see a specialist right away.

What the animal is waiting for in the clinic:

Examination of the oral cavity - teeth, gums are examined for the fact of damage to their tissues;making a decision for further action with a detailed assessment of the root system structure;Developing a treatment plan.Prior to treatment, the animal will undergo X-rays. This will be done under general anesthesia. When the doctor has the results, he or she will be able to begin treatment.

First, the pulp will be hidden, and then the tooth cavity and canals will be cleaned. A special instrument is used for this purpose, and the soft tissues of the tooth are cleaned of infection. Afterwards, the tooth is filled and serves its owner for a long time. Each case is individual and requires its own approach. Therefore, only a specialist should make the decision, and the pet owner should not neglect the health of his or her pet.